painting the boat.JPG
art class sunroom.jpg

I have a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts and worked as a graphic designer for many years before returning to school to earn a teacher certification in Art Education K-12.  I do a wide range of commissioned work including hand built and painted ceramic tile, paintings and portraits in a variety of media.  My personal work includes many different media:


            Painting:  acrylics, oil and watercolor

            Clay: sculpture, pottery and handmade/painted tiles

            Printmaking: lithography and screen printing

            Metalwork: doorknobs, belt buckles and jewelry


My Teaching Philosophy

I believe that strong basic skills - understanding the elements of design (line, color, value, etc.) and the principles of design (balance, dominance, contrast, etc.) - create the foundation that gives an artist confidence.  This confidence lets them know that each design decision they make will reinforce the expressive idea they are trying to communicate.  Even very young children can be taught these skills much like they first learn the alphabet, then words, then sentences and paragraphs.